- Vaibhav Garg
Importance of Electrolytes during Exercise
If there is something common with all sports people and gym goers, it is that you will always see them with a bottle of water, or maybe two. Clearly, they understand the value and importance of water to rehydrate. It’s no rocket science that the body needs to replenish all the water that has been lost in the sweat, and hence, the water bottle(s).
What is interesting to note though is that when we exercise or participate in sports, especially if done over a longer period, we often notice some white residue on our clothing. This residue is left behind from all the salts, aka electrolytes that have exited the body along with the sweat. So my question to you is simple- are any of you taking the necessary steps to ensure we replenish those lost electrolytes as well?
If you are, do share more about what techniques you have adopted in the comments below. For others, it’s never too late. You see, if we drink only water to rehydrate, an imbalance is created and it can lead to water intoxication because the concentration of electrolytes goes down by only drinking water. Before getting into detailing these electrolytes, I would like to highlight that the electrolytes are an essential part of any biochemical reaction that happens in the system. They are vital for proper brain function and for maintaining efficient blood flow & viscosity. A proper electrolyte balance will ensure that your muscles don’t cramp up during active use, thereby ensuring proper muscle contractions. These are just a few of the functions associated with maintaining electrolyte balance in the system.